Which Rife Machines Are Easy To Use

Treatment and screening machines can vary wildly in how they operate and the learning curve associated with them. Some literally take years to really get the best out of them. Some are so basic, cheaply built, that they are basically a waste of time and money. Although there was a tremendous amount of research associated with the development of the first Rife machines (17 years), the evolution of these devices has made them far simpler over time. New technology, which wasn’t around in Royal Rife’s day, and refined systems of manufacture mean that that machines today are more compact and just as powerful.

This means the modern Rife machine is able to provide the user with some of the more powerful frequencies…such as the Healing Frequency sweep. But some of the machines available in the marketplace have an bewildering array of buttons whilst others are so simple there is little chance of effective permeation of cell walls. There is nothing more disconcerting to a buyer than to find they cannot comprehend a new purchase. When a user totally understand what’s going on with a device then their level of expertise and style of usage tends to expand and improve with every passing week.

But the BCX Ultra Rife machine literally takes 15 to 20 minutes to learn how to use, yet offers the most powerful circuit board and the widest range of applications. This is the best Rife machine in the world and every single one of those famous cancer clinics in northern Mexico has a BCX Ultra because of its adherence to pure Rife technology and because of its proven results.. If you care about your health it makes sense to choose the best.

When a user has the full range of frequencies available in a machine then they will get the best results. But when that user also finds it easy to understand the machine he or she is using, then the potential for stable results is even greater. The BCX Ultra provides plasma tubes, brass hand electrodes, sticky pad electrodes and footplates. But more importantly it includes an instructional DVD and manual. The interface is very simple and requires no real training to use. For ease of use and effectiveness  the BCX Ultra is the best Rife machine available, either for private use or for professionals.


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